Living Found

Unfurl from the chaos that has left you lost, bewildered and alone.

Stop living lost, and find a way to live found.

Imagine what it might feel like to know who you are. I mean, your real identity, which is way deeper than your belief system, your role as a person, your job or education. We can help you find your way through the chaos to find your heart, to feel again, and to connect (or re-connect) within deeper, more meaningful relationships.

Maybe you didn’t find my site because of a relationship or marriage, but simply because you feel like a hot mess in whole. But, it is within the context of relationships that we are awakened to who we are. The relationships -whether we’re talking about your spouse, your family, or friends or the random cashier – might recover, but only if BOTH people participating in the relationship are truly… participating.

It’s not a connection if only one person is doing all the work.

The flip side of that coin, though, is that each person CAN absolutely recover and thrive regardless of the cooperation or participation or approval of the other. We are not the relationship. We are individuals in a relationship. And our healing does not depend upon the other person’s stamp of approval. (This doesn’t mean the relationship will heal. Again, that’s a whole, separate issue.)


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